Getting Started

The onboarding process for EasyDocs is incredibly swift and user-friendly—simply ensure that you have Node.js installed.

Installing EasyDocs

Begin by installing EasyDocs globally:

npm install @nathanti/easydocs --global

Update EasyDocs

Keeping EasyDocs up to date is as straightforward as its installation:

npm update @nathanti/easydocs --global

Creating a Project

In your terminal, execute the following command to generate a new directory:

mkdir easydocs-test

Navigate to this directory:

cd ./easydocs-test

Then, run this command to initiate the project setup, configuring the requisite folders and files:

easydocs init

Now, within the project directory using a file explorer, you will notice the presence of specific folders and files:

  • /docs: This folder houses the markdown files for documentation.
  • /public: This is where you can store images and other public assets.
  • /docs.config.json: This file serves as the project's configuration.

Running Your Project

Execute the following command to run your project:

easydocs dev

At this point, you can preview the website in your preferred browser.

Development Mode

Running this command initiates EasyDocs in development mode, enabling automatic parsing of modified content within the /docs folder. Refreshing the browser tab will reveal the updated version.

Serving Your Project

Use this command to serve your project:

easydocs serve

Similar to easydocs dev, this command operates without actively monitoring changes within the /docs directory.

Building Your Project

Execute the following command to build your project:

easydocs build

This will compile your project and generate a /.build directory containing all the necessary files. You can then proceed to publish it on GitHub Pages or your preferred hosting platform.