Organizing your project

EasyDocs leverages markdown files within the /docs directory to generate your website. This guide offers a comprehensive overview of how you can efficiently structure your documentation.

Documentation Structure

The directory layout of EasyDocs has been meticulously crafted to ensure your content remains orderly and easily manageable. Here's a breakdown:

|-- docs/
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- guide/
|       |--
|       |--
|-- public/
|   |-- logo.png
|   |-- background.jpg
|-- .static/
|   |-- tree.json
|-- .build/
|   |-- index.html
|   |-- index.min.js
|-- docs.config.json

/docs Directory

The /docs directory serves as the repository for your markdown document files. Each markdown file signifies a distinct webpage. For instance:

  • / Your main landing page.
  • / The About Us page.
  • /guide: A subdirectory housing individual markdown files for a guide.

File Extensions

EasyDocs will exclusively process files in /docs ending with .md. Other files will be omitted, with exceptions for special files.

/public Directory

The /public directory is designed for storing images and other files utilized in your website. By separating images from content, you maintain an organized structure.


The docs.config.json file contains crucial configuration settings for your website. We'll delve into this in later sections.

Advanced Usage

EasyDocs introduces advanced functionalities for customizing your documentation.

Front Matter

You can incorporate front matter at the outset of a file. This entails data stored in YAML format, encapsulated by --- at the file's commencement.

Three options are available:

  • label: Document name.
  • slug: URL-friendly version of directory label.
  • index: File's position within its directory.

Index Handling

The index grants you control over directory order within its parent. A higher index places the directory after others in the navigation bar, while a lower index precedes them.

Configuration Files

EasyDocs simplifies slug, label, and order customization for directories, both in files and within directories. To modify a directory's slug, label, or index, create a JSON config file named config.json within the directory, as demonstrated below:

  "slug": "folder-demo",
  "label": "Folder Configuration",
  "index": 1

Efficient Editing

These three options parallel the functions of the front matter attributes.